Category Archives: Weather Conditions

18 Sep

Water Scarcity

Weather Conditions, Weather ExpertWith 0 comments

Water Scarcity in the West Coast of the US is a big issue. In the simplest terms, there’s not enough water to meet the demands of the population and economy of the west. The two sources of water, surface and ground, are interconnected in so many ways it takes a hydrologist to understand it and

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07 Jan

Snow Storm Damage 2015

Historical Weather Data, Weather ConditionsWith 0 comments

Snow Storm Damage occurs when substantial amounts collect or when wind drifts collections into larger piles. Mountainous terrain is particularly susceptible to snow storm damage when heavy piles trigger avalanches. Cornices, overhanging ramps of drifted snow, are also likely to build, crack and eventually dangerously collapse, particularly during warmer, sunnier weather. You might want to

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