Historical Weather Data

By Michael FaginHistorical Weather DataComments are off

Getting historical weather data is a key component that meteorologists deploy in forensic analysis. The best source for United States data is from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) The amount of data is endless and much it goes back many years. Also much of this data is free.

The best regional coverage for the US is found at the Regional Climate Centers and this has 6 regions in the US. If you want access to the local weather services offices this link is great. Again much of this data is for free.

For International historical weather data this site is a good one: Air Resources Laboratory and there are no fees associated with this. For detailed international data this on a fee basis European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is a good source. If you are looking for historical weather data for Canada then Environment Canada is a good one and much of the data is free.

This is just a brief list of sources of historical weather data. If you are looking for particular sources please contact us at 1-877-969-4786 or fill out the form .